Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Health Tips

"He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything."-Arabian Proverb

I found an interesting article about improving your health at
http://www.health-fitness-tips.com/features/10-essential-health-tips.htm. The article discusses ten ways to be a healthier person. Some of the tips are common sense, while others are ideas I never considered. For example, they mention there is a direct connection with living a long life and flossing your teeth frequently. Who would have known?! Other suggestions are more obvious: Don't drink excessively. This could be a potential problem for some college students because a majority of the social scene is linked to drinking and alcohol. The article encouraged people to have a positive mental outlook because there's a strong connection between living well and thinking positively. The best way to stay active is to choose the stairs rather than taking the elevator. Everyone knows the elevator is a tempting option, even if you only live on the third floor!

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