Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I was perusing the internet for some blogs related to the topics of health and fitness. The website promoted some good discussions. Although the blog isn't devoted to college students, it talks about important issues for a range of audiences. One post on the presence of fitness magazines in print and online says they encourage people to get in shape. According to the article, "Indeed, there could be no better way to acquire the right information and facts about health and fitness like what fitness magazines can provide. It is definitely your one-stop health journal in a snap."

I agree the information in fitness magazines is probably very accurate and could steer a clueless individual in the right direction. At the same time, the covers of these magazines are very misleading. Women on the cover of Shape and Fitness have flawless bodies, hair, skin, and are absolutely beautiful. For the average person, this image is unattainable. This issue relates to many problems within American society and our obsession with weight, beauty, and overall physical appearance. Being a healthy person doesn't mean looking like the girls on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

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