Monday, April 16, 2007
The Blogging Experience
I decided to write about health and fitness in relation to college life and more specifically Northeastern University. I picked this subject because it is interesting to me, but I initially had a hard time coming up with four or five topics to write about each week. The last month I was more successful at thinking up original and creative ideas. At first I only covered posts directly related to working out, physical fitness, or eating well. In the beginning, I narrowed the spectrum of what I could discuss too closely and there wasn't enough to post several times a week.
I also was sick on and off since January, so this made classes more challenging in general. At one point I considered taking a leave of absence because I was getting so behind on my academics. Fortunately, I have a week left and I'm glad I stuck it out, but it definitely was a long semester. It was ironic I decided to write about health because I struggled health wise the past couple of months. I definitely learned some cool, random facts and I'm glad I stuck with this topic. I think that the more I blogged, the better my topics and writing were. I see a big difference from January to April. I think this is mostly because I found a natural way to express my views and opinions in combination with valuable information from outside sources.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
"Attitude Adjustment"
-Allure Magazine
"It's not like, put on a smiley face button and live forever. Optimistic people act differently. They do things that public health experts say are associated with good health. They eat sensibly, they don't drink senselessly, they exercise, and they get their sleep. They even tend to look better as they age because they take better care of themselves. Optimists believe good things will happen in the future because they have some sort of control over them."
The people around you influence whether you have a positive or negative outlook on life. Surround yourself with friends who will elevate your state of mind, not bring you down. Nobody likes a downer. You know that one person who constantly finds something wrong no matter what the situation. Optimists categorize things differently than pessimists. The way you view the world and your experiences significantly effects your mental health.
And don't be too modest or attribute your successes to luck. Research shows that rejoicing in your successes leads to a more optimistic outlook on life. It will keep you feeling younger, too. Positivity and happiness are linked to youthfulness, so being this way simply makes you seem younger.
I think these points are important to consider because not many individuals consider their mental or emotional health. It is just as vital to your overall health as staying in shape physically and eating right. Most people think of the physical aspect when it comes to health. When we are stressed with school and work, it is easy to overlook the way we feel. It's important to take a few minutes each day to relax by doing something you enjoy doing and want to do, not something you have to or should do. Read a book or magazine, write in a journal, go for a walk, play basketball, paint, or draw. Find a hobby that you like because it can a have a big impact on the quality of your life. When we're expected to accomplish a certain amount of tasks each day, taking time to focus on yourself isn't usually included. My point is that it should be on your priorities list.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
"Short White Coat"
"Short White Coat is our new blog, written by first-year Harvard medical student Ishani Ganguli. A short white coat is the hip-length garment worn by medical students to signify their place in the medical hierarchy. Ishani's posts will appear here, as part of White Coat Notes. E-mail Ishani at"
Have Great Posture!
A post about posture caught my eye. There are 8 important reasons to have great posture:
1. Portrays a better, more confident image
2. Breathing becomes easier and deeper
3. Improves circulation and digestion
4. Makes you look slimmer and younger
5. Your voice will sound better
6. Help your muscles and joints
7. Change your frame of mind
8. Healthy Spine
As I was reading the article I became very aware of my posture and tried to sit up straight. Many of us naturally have great posture, but if you're tall like me you may tend to slump over a little. After reading this post, I will definitely be more conscious of it and remind myself to sit up straight and tall.
According to 8 Reasons to Have Great Posture : "People are often asked to sit up straight. This rarely has permanent effect because by the time someone needs to be reminded to do so, their body has adapted to be more comfortable in the slouching position. When they attempt to sit up “straight” they actually tighten the already over-shortened frontal muscles and tendons and this causes restrictions in the ease of breathing volume; tightening these muscles even slightly to make oneself more erect causes tightness in the entire upper body and reduces the ease of deeper breathing."
Clearly, it doesn't look right if you're hunched over your computer or plate at the dinner table. I never considered the effect your posture has on breathing or the muscles in your body. Not slouching also promotes maintaining a healthy spine and back. This makes sense, but I guess I never considered this when someone says sit up straight or don't slouch. The most obvious reason to have good posture is because it looks better and portrays confidence. Sitting up straight can change your frame of mind as well. When we're happy we tend to sit up very tall. Next time you're feeling stressed or unhappy remind yourself to sit up straight.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
NEU Health Survey Results
1. How many times a week do you go to the gym?
2. For how long do you work out?
3. How would you rate your level of fitness on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best)?
4. How long is the cardio portion of your workout?
5. Do you lift weights? How often?
6. Is it harder to workout during the winter months? Are you less motivated or does the cold weather stop you from going to the Marino Center? Why or why not?
7. Are you happy with your physical appearance? Do you think your body reflects your level of health?
8. Do you consider yourself to be in shape?
Four out of five students said they think they are in shape, but aren't completely satisfied with their physical appearance. The majority of students said they workout about three times a week, four or five times a week being above average. Most peoples' workout routines combined cardio and lifting weights. Average workout times ranged from thirty minutes to an hour and a half. Cardio was a dominating component in peoples' routines, but lifting weights was combined in some way.
Students said it is easier to be lazy in the winter because you don't have to worry about how you look in a bathing suit. We wear alot of clothes in the winter, especially here in Boston where it's cold! Others mentioned the location of the Marino Center as a determining factor in their gym habits or lack their of. Location and weather combined have a great influence in how often we force ourselves to walk to the gym. A ten minute walk in 20 degree weather isn't very appealing, but you just have to suck it up. We're only young once and so we might as well take advantage of being healthy and having alot of energy.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Negative Cultural Obsession
On the other hand, whose to say what weight is healthy for her. My problem is the affect female celebrities have as role models on young girls and women in general. Every time you flip through a magazine the image of a perfect body is thrown in your face. Advertisements with flawless models are abundant. I don't think the public considers the fact that pictures can be edited and air-brushed. They can be misleading and portray an image that isn't real.
It is important to be healthy and be at a weight and fitness level that is right for your body. Just because you weigh 100 pounds doesn't mean you're healthy. When you're 11 or 12 years old you look at a picture of your favorite actress and think "I want to be like them." Today we hear stories about girls who are 9 or 10 years old and suffer from severe eating disorders. It's terrible. We live in a culture completely focused on looks and physical appearance. Realistically, looks will never be completely dismissed, but the issues women have with their bodies aren't improving. How are we telling girls to feel about their bodies? It isn't okay to starve yourself and their is more to life than how you look. You want to promote inner confidence and inner beauty. Kids are very impressionable and these skinny trends due influence the way girls view themselves.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
"Buried Alive"
-Carey Goldberg, Globe Staff
Go to: for the full article.
The article "Buried Alive" was published in the Boston Globe on April 2, 2007 and touches upon a weird issue. I say that it's weird because I have never heard of such a condition before. The story profiles a man who refuses to throw anything anyway and has junk piled up in his bedroom. We're not talking about a messy person here. We're talking about someone who has to save everything. It is now believed this condition is a form of obsessive compulsive disorder which affect 1 % to 2% of the population. Not much is known about this mental condition, but mental health experts have labeled it as a legitimate disorder. People who suffer from this disorder are often seen as slobs or lazy, when their intent is genuine. They don't want to be wasteful. I have never heard of such a condition, but I would think that if you're entire bedroom has a two-foot high pile of garbage and junk that there is a bigger problem then a lacking desire to clean.
There is also a tab called view recipes and people can email in their recipes in this section. You can rate the recipe (five stars is the best). One thing that looks really good is the "Fabulous Fruit Salad."
1 red apple, cored and chopped
1 Granny Smith apple, cored and chopped
1 nectarine, pitted and sliced
2 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 (8 ounce) container nonfat lemon yogurt
In a large bowl, combine red apple, Granny Smith apple, nectarine, celery, dried cranberries, and walnuts. Mix in yogurt. Chill until ready to serve.
I thought the fruit salad sounded and looked delicious. The picture definitely makes you want to try it and the idea of it in general makes me think of summer! There are hundreds of recipes on this site, so I'm sure everyone could find something they would enjoy.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Toxins in Canned Foods
What is BPA?
"BPA is an industrially produced chemical commonly used in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. BPA-containing resins are a common ingredient in the linings of canned goods."
One to three servings of chicken soup and instant formula can be harmful to a person. Chicken soup, instant formula and ravioli have the highest levels of BPA.
The FDA estimates that 17% of the U.S. diet comes from canned food, but there is no government safety standard regulating the amount of BPA allowed in such foods.
Make Sure You Get Enough Zzz's
When you lose just one hour of sleep it can have a great impact on your day. Experiencing a deep sleep helps prevent you from getting serious illnesses and produces hormones your body needs. You naturally feel tired between 12 a.m. and 7 a.m. and again between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Here are some tips if you're looking to sleep better:
1. Go to bed and wake-up at the same time each day, even weekends (the weekends part may be a little difficult for some)
2. Don't exercise too late in the day.
3. Avoid caffeine and nicotine.
4. Don't drink alcohol before bed.
5. Avoid large meals and beverages late at night.
6. Don't nap after 3 p.m.
7. Relax before bed (don't watch t.v. or sit in front of the computer for an hour)
8. Have a good sleeping environment. Get rid of anything that might distract you from sleep.
Number 8 is probably the hardest to conform to in college when most people have a roommate. If you're lucky enough to have a single, it's easier to have an undisturbed sleep. The noise and distractions are unavoidable.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Fresh Air
If working out at the gym with a million other people isn't appealing to you, than take advantage of spring's return. Activities like biking and rollerblading are fun for two reasons. You can get some fresh air and see Boston at the same time. There are paved paths down by the Charles where you can go.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Nice Weather
If you wake-up to look out your bedroom window to find the sky is overcast and there isn't a speck of blue in sight, most people wouldn't be obliged to crawling back under the covers. A great sunny day without a cloud in the sky is a positive way to begin a Monday morning. I wonder if people realize the impact weather and sun can have on their mood?
Seasonal affective disorder, also known as the winter blues, can have a big influence on many individuals. "Seasonal affective disorder (also called SAD) is a type of depression that follows the seasons. The most common type of SAD is called winter depression. It usually begins in late fall or early winter and goes away by summer. A less common type of SAD, known as summer depression, usually begins in the late spring or early summer. It goes away by winter. SAD may be related to changes in the amount of daylight during different times of the year."
"As many as half a million people in the United States may have winter depression. Another 10% to 20% may experience mild SAD. SAD is more common in women than in men. Although some children and teenagers get SAD, it usually doesn't start in people younger than 20 years of age. For adults, the risk of SAD decreases as they get older. SAD is more common in northern geographic regions."
There are a high number of people who suffer from SAD. This goes to show that the amount of sunlight you're exposed to can seriously impact your life. In Boston especially, the winters are long and there are periods where the sun hides forever. Luckily, it seems that spring is slowly rolling in.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Robert K. Cheruiyot (from Kenya) won the Men's Open last year with a time of 2:07:14. His time set a new record for the course. Rita Jeptoo (from Kenya also) won the Women's Open with a time of 2:23:38. is the official site of the Boston Marathon is you are looking for legitimate information on the race.

Don't Be Afraid of the Dentist
1. How many times a week do you go to the gym?
2. For how long do you workout?
3. How would you rate your level of fitness on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best)?
4. How long is the cardio portion of your workout?
5. Do you lift weights? How often?
6. Is it harder to workout during the winter months? Are you less motivated or does the cold weather stop you from going to Marino Center? Why or why not?
7. Are you happy with your physical appearance?
8. Do you consider yourself to be in shape?
On a separate note, the Boston Globe published a story about going to the dentist and how it is beneficial to your overall health. Most people hate their annual dentist visits or not so annual if you have bad teeth. It's painful to have a cavity filled or to get a root canal, which luckily I haven't experienced. Even when you simply get your teeth cleaned, it can be uncomfortable. My dentist at home is nice though and she's very gentle on your teeth.
Obviously, healthy teeth equal a beautiful smile and everyone wants to have a great smile. Studies have linked the early detection of gum disease to preventing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. If you have gum disease, you have a higher risk of suffering from the previous ailments.
According to the article "Advice for All Ages: Don't skip the dentist": "With pancreatic cancer, for instance, previous studies had suggested such a link, but those studies were muddied because many participants smoked, and smoking is a risk factor for both diseases. This time, even among people who never smoked, gum disease was linked to a doubling of the cancer risk, said epidemiologist Dominique Michaud of the Harvard School of Public Health, the study's first author. It's still not clear, cautioned Michaud, whether that means the gum disease led to the cancer."
It's great how much information we have in the medical world today, but sometimes there are too many facts and statistics to process. Everyday the news has a new report on what is bad for you, what causes cancer, and what prevents this disease. At times the information can be contradicting. I guess there is still alot we don't know about diseases and finding cures for serious sicknesses.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
"Sexy to Deadly"
The famous surgeon's general warning was manufactured on cigarettes thirty years ago, but health historians believe the impact of this warning took many decades to influence smokers. According to the article Tracing the Cigarette's Path From Sexy to Deadly, "In contrast to the symbol of death and disease it is today, from the early 1900s to the 1960s the cigarette was a cultural icon of sophistication, glamour and sexual allure-a highly prized commodity for one out of two Americans."
Advertising in the past conveyed a sexy, cool image of people who smoked. Think about old western movies or any old movies for that matter. Smoking cigarettes said alot about the character, often linking smoking and being rebellious in a good way. There was certainly a positive connotation connected to smoking, while today I think a negative stigma is becoming dominant. If you look at old cigarette ads from the 1930s, they are scary. Camel used the slogan "More Doctors Smoke Camel." How scary is that??!!
"In the 1980s, scientists established the revolutionary concept that nicotine is extremely addictive. The tobacco companies publicly rejected such claims, even as they took advantage of cigarettes' addictive potential by routinely spiking them with extra nicotine to make it harder to quit smoking. And their marketing memorandums document advertising campaigns aimed at youngsters to hook whole new generations of smokers."
In 2007 the general public is well aware of the health hazards of smoking, but many people choose to ignore these dangerous truths. I do not hold anything against smokers and it does not change what I think about someone. My dad smokes and my mom did for a long time. All I am trying to say is that America needs to make an effort to encourage kids to find a different habit, one that won't give them lung cancer at 40 years old. I'm sure many people reading this would bring up alcohol. Studies show drinking in moderation is safe and there are even health benefits of drinking wine occasionally. I have never read one positive affect of smoking cigarettes. It helps you de-stress? Actually, it puts more stress on your heart and body.
Visit the following site: It has cigarette advertisements from the 1940s and 1950s, along with the texts of the ads. I can't believe the information the companies are promoting. Some of the ads not only suggest, but state that smoking could have health benefits such as healing a scratchy throat.

Monday, March 19, 2007
Smoking Ban
Only 19 states don't ban smoking in public as of 2007. The following states permit smoking in public areas: Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, etc. Massachusetts doesn't allow cigarette smoking in public, but it does have some smoking bars such as cigar bars. There are a number of fancy cigar bars in the North End. The majority of states in the northeast have made it illegal, while certain regions haven't passed any legislation yet.
Everyone knows the health risks of smoking, but it is up to individuals whether they choose to or not. I don't think it's fair for people to be forced to be in a smoking environment at a restaurant. If you smoke, you can go outside for a cigarette or wait until you're finished with your meal. As is, we are constantly exposed to a great deal of pollution and toxins in our environment, especially if you live in the city.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Spring Break
I went home to New York over break and had two co-op interviews. I was offered a job at a local tv station, but I missed my interview for Fox News because I was sick. I am going home Thursday night and I have the re-scheduled interview Friday morning. Besides my interview, I went to the gym pretty often, caught up on sleep, and played guitar hero. My little brother got it for his birthday. I had never played before, but I was surprised how fun it is. I don't play video games often, but I played it quite a bit at home. I also had some homework to do, so I tried to finish whatever I needed to and even get ahead on some work. I saw some of my old friends, but most people have a different spring break. I wish I had the same time off as everyone else. Our semester ends early as well and no one is home then. Northeastern is on a weird schedule.
Although I was bored at times, the break went by fast. Hopefully, next year I can go away because I have never vacationed for break. Until then, these are the only memories I have of myself relaxing at the beach.

Thursday, March 8, 2007
FiT Tv
All Star Workouts
Gilad's Bodies in Motion
Total Body Sculpt with Gilad
Ultimate Athlete: Pushing the Limit
Namaste Yoga
Go to for a complete list of shows and their times because the list goes on forever! Some of the programs are geared towards serious gym goers, but a fair amount offer simple workouts you can do in your living room. If you're going to watch tv, you might as well be active while doing it.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Stressful Times
I mentioned in a post several weeks ago that I've been sick on and off this entire semester. Finally, the last week and a half I was beginning to feel back to myself. My roommate was very sick with a stomach virus last week. I spent as much time as I could out of the room, hoping I wouldn't get sick myself.
This doesn't change the fact we sleep in the say bedroom, so I knew there was a good chance I would catch the bug. And I did! I woke up this morning very sick. The worst part is that I had an interview for a co-op position at FOX News in NYC and had to miss it. I was able to re-schedule the interview thankfully, but being sick becomes exhausting. I think I speak for a majority of Northeastern students, when I say the co-op process combined with school is very stressful. At a typical four-year college, student aren't concerned with preparing for competitive internships, tough interviews, or living arrangements in another city. I believe the co-op program is an excellent opportunity, but I wouldn't consider the lifestyle of Northeastern students ordinary according to the stereotypical definition of college life.
I have no problem working hard for everything I do. I'm not trying to argue that college students should have the luxury of being lazy and barely slide by without attending class and partying constantly. I'm a very hard working individual and I like to be challenged. If everything was handed to you on a silver platter, you wouldn't learn important life lessons. Simultaneously, I think certain personalities are impacted by stress more than others. I am one of those people who worry alot and become stressed fairly easily. I am conscious of this problem and I constantly remind myself to do what I can do. I do wonder how this affects our health? How many college students are walking around like robots trying to complete daily tasks, fueled by stress and pressure? I know I fall somewhere in the middle on the continuim because there are people who are far more obsessed with achieveing perfection and what is expected of them than myself. When you think about it, anxiety never helps you complete something faster, it just makes you unhappy.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Energy Drinks cont.
According to "7-Eleven Store Pulls Cocaine Energy Drink":
"Each 8.4-fluid ounce can contains 280 milligrams of caffeine _ more jolt than a cup of coffee, a can of Coca-Cola or the leading energy drink, Red Bull _ but no cocaine."
The creators of the drink wanted a provocative name and I think "Cocaine" fulfills their demand to be noticed. I personally never heard of the drink, before I read the article. The issue is difficult because where do we draw the line as consumers. I'm sure young people got a kick out of the name and bought the drink solely for its appearance. This wasn't a national decision to remove the drink from shelves, only 7-Elevens based out of Dallas.
"Our merchandising team believes the product's name promotes an image which we didn't want to be associated with," said Margaret Chabris, a spokeswoman for 7-Eleven. According to this statement, the reason 7-Eleven didn't want to sell the drink because it was afraid for their reputation. If I was the owner, I wouldn't want to be associated with the word cocaine in anyway.
The drink's main website is is entitled "The Legal Alternative." There is one section of the site devoted to "Rumors." According to the site, "We don't advocate drug use. What you do with your drink is completely up to you!" The company also claims there is no crash with this drink and it isn't as sweet as other energy drinks. I guess the only way to find out is to have one.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Mid-terms continued, gym habits, and RED BULL
A significant part of this issue is the need for a change of scenery. How much time do you spend cooped up in the library or in your apartment doing homework and studying? Sometimes you need to breathe in some fresh air, although during the winter you don't want to remain outside for too long. A change of scenery is always nice.
My roommate, Stacey, goes to the gym 3 to 4 times a week. She usually brings her gym clothes with her to class and heads over directly after her classes. I think this is a smart idea for two reasons: It saves you another trip into the frigid winter wonderland of Boston, when the weather is extremely cold. Secondly, you make efficient use of your time because you don't go home and procrastinate. According to Stacey, working out helps to alleviate stress. I agree with her because exercising makes you feel better immediately afterwards. Even if you're tired, you have a natural energy boost for a few hours. It's healthier than drinking a can of Red Bull.
The following are some links reviewing the nutrition value of energy drinks:
This link gives a chemical analysis of the ingredients in energy drinks. It discusses taurine, a common ingredient used:
Read the article "Energy drinks pack a punch, but is it too much?" on It's several years old, but provides some smart information for consumers:
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Furthermore, email, talking online, myspace, and facebook have all stolen the attention of young people. How many hours a day do you spend in front of the computer? How does this influence your posture and eye sight? I don't think there is a simple solution to spending a minimal amount of time on the computer and honestly I don't believe most people mind. I am not personally a computer nerd, although I don't go a day without checking my email. Computers have developed into a powerful social and academic tool.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Today, I eat most vegetables because my parents encouraged me to eat them at a young age and I developed a taste for them. You make asparagus in the microwave with water, lemon juice, pepper, and salt. Cook them for about 3 minutes. They're really good for you! In the food store, broccoli rob looks like lettuce. It's big and leafy, but it shrinks down when you cook it. It's cooked on the stove with garlic and olive oil. My favorite! A good dish to make is broccoli rob and sausage.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I agree the information in fitness magazines is probably very accurate and could steer a clueless individual in the right direction. At the same time, the covers of these magazines are very misleading. Women on the cover of Shape and Fitness have flawless bodies, hair, skin, and are absolutely beautiful. For the average person, this image is unattainable. This issue relates to many problems within American society and our obsession with weight, beauty, and overall physical appearance. Being a healthy person doesn't mean looking like the girls on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
More Survey News
Sunday, February 18, 2007
College Health Survey
"-identify the most common risks to academic performance and retention
-better understand students' health trends and determine the health areas of highest priority
-report on campus behavioral norms
-allocate monetary and staffing resources
-design new health programs and evaluate current strategies
-compare your specific campus data with national, aggregate ACHA-NCHA data"
The survey raises siginificant questions and speculation about the lifestyles of college students. By fall 2005, 261,035 students from 424 colleges nationwide participated in this survey. If you're interested in filling out the survey or learning more go to
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Healthy Eating Tips
"1 Leave behind three or four bites of your meal. Research shows that people usually polish off everything they're served, even if they're not hungry.
2 Skin your chicken after cooking it. You'll retain moisture yet still strip away 148 calories and 13 grams of fat.
3 Blend your smoothie for at least five minutes. According to a Pennsylvania State University study, people who drank a breakfast smoothie mixed to twice its initial volume ate about 100 fewer calories at lunch than when they drank the same smoothie at the original volume. The extra air makes you feel fuller, say researchers.
4 Eat your sandwiches and burgers open-faced, with one slice of bread instead of two.
5 Order a cup of soup as an appetizer. People who fill up on soup (that's broth- or tomato-based, not cream-based) consume about 100 fewer calories during the rest of the meal, says a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
6 swap your chocolate bar (235 calories) for a glass of light chocolate soy milk (120 calories).
7 use butter-flavored nonstick spray, not a tablespoon of margarine or butter, to make grilled-cheese sandwiches and eggs.
8 Order a white-wine spritzer (80 calories) instead of a mixed drink (about 180 calories)."
Friday, February 16, 2007
Finding the Right Doctor
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Best Times to Work Out
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Energy Drinks: a Devil in Disguise
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Cure Your Headache!
According to a post about reading nutrition labels: "In order to plan a healthy diet, we must know how to read a food label. They show us if a food has a little or a lot of certain nutrients. Just look on the side of a product to find the Nutrition Facts title." I know I don't typically read food labels before I buy everything, but I guess it's a good idea. You don't have to make-over your life with all the suggestions this blog discusses, but it can't hurt to become a smarter consumer.
Another Blog to Check Out
The blog includes alot of specifics about studies and surveys done in health-related areas. The latest posting talks about American eating habits and how to beat the system. The site is for a company called GetFitSource, which sells fitness equipment as well as supplies fitness information and news. Their sources appear to be reliable experts, knowledgeable about fitness topics. According to GetFitSource, Michael Pollan recommends to cook your own food, pay more to eat less, shop at "farmer's markets" rather than chain grocery stores, and practice calorie restriction.
The blog also addresses many tabu topics not often talked about. A post from November is titled "Study: Exercise Cuts Snoring." The posting is based on a study, proving snoring leads to poor sleep habits, which in turn causes obesity. I didn't know any of this prior to reading the blog. This is just one example of links studies have to particular health benefits or harmful habits to avoid. I think everyone could read something that will have a positive influence on their overall well-being.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Breakfast is Good!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Laugh Often
It is also a wise idea to forgive and forget because holding onto negative emotions hurts your health over time. "Constant bad feelings are like pollutants in your body, triggering inflammation, just like cigarette smoke does," says study author Rosalind Wright, M.D."
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Food Network
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Winter Wellness
It is important to dress warm and take the necessary steps to avoid getting sick! All Boston students still have to walk from destination to destination, regardless of the outside conditions. Dressing appropriately, meaning don't walk to the gym in shorts, (no matter how tough you are) is a good rule to live by. Wash your hands often, rest when you're sick, wear a hat, and take your vitamins. The following sites offer useful tips on how to survive winter:,1072,0_312_3683,00.html
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Health Tips
I found an interesting article about improving your health at The article discusses ten ways to be a healthier person. Some of the tips are common sense, while others are ideas I never considered. For example, they mention there is a direct connection with living a long life and flossing your teeth frequently. Who would have known?! Other suggestions are more obvious: Don't drink excessively. This could be a potential problem for some college students because a majority of the social scene is linked to drinking and alcohol. The article encouraged people to have a positive mental outlook because there's a strong connection between living well and thinking positively. The best way to stay active is to choose the stairs rather than taking the elevator. Everyone knows the elevator is a tempting option, even if you only live on the third floor!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Fitness Classes
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Intramural Sports
1. 3-on-3 Basketball
2. 5-on-5 Basketball
3. 6-on-6 Volleyball
4. Co-ed Broomball
5. Co-ed Dodgeball
6. Ice Hockey
7. Indoor Soccer
8. Mini Lacrosse
Check out for more information. I think intramural sports are a fun way to stay active if you don't like working out by yourself or can't stand running on the treadmill. I played intramural basketball last year and I really liked it. The players are enthusiastic, but not overly competitive. You have the option of forming your own team and then registering. If you don't have friends you want to play with, you can sign yourself up as a free agent and a team will pick you up. There is also a option on Northeastern's Campus Recreation site to search for a tennis, squash or raquetball partner. People can post messages about their skill level and leave their email if anyone is interested in playing. I never saw this before and I thought it was a neat idea. The Marino Center offers alot of activities and outlets for staying fit and expanding your social network simultaneously.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
During the wintertime in Boston, the frigid weather makes you want to hibernate indoors until the spring. The hardest part about going to the Marino Center to work out is battling the cold. Also, you don't always have enough time to work out as often as you would like. I want to offer workout ideas you can do in your dorm or apartment and fun ways to stay active. I hope to suggest pointers to make the most out the time you do spend at the gym.
Two good websites to look at are and They have a variety of articles and information on getting fit and eating healthy.